Monday, April 29, 2013

Local Levo: London

This past Monday, I attended the launch of Local Levo: London. For those of you who do not know, Levo League is "a community for Generation Y women looking for mentorship, jobs, career advice, and peer networking." I've been a big fan of the start-up from the beginning and watched it expand to Office Hours with women in the workplace that are making a change and leaning in. Recently, they held an Office Hours event with Sheryl Sandberg.  

The Local Levo: London launch event was an evening discussing negotiation of salaries, but also negotiation and asking for more in all aspects of the workplace. It was so inspiring to meet other young women that are facing the same battles that I am in terms of the job hunt and working towards their career goals. Plenty of connections and new friends were made. I cannot wait until the next event.

If you are in London and interested in attending, check out the Mightyball space for Local Levo London!

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