Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Stockholm Recap: Part 1

Over the weekend, I snuck off to Stockholm for a quick two day trip.

Sweden has long been on my list to explore. Unfortunately, either timing or cost were never on my side. Until one evening earlier last week when I saw an amazing discount on a hotel rate plus cheap flights...those stars finally aligned! 

I set off Saturday morning with a flight out of Heathrow. Thank goodness for restaurants being open at 6am in Terminal 5 as well as Starbucks. Although, I quickly passed out on the plane ride, and I woke up just before landing.

Dropping my bag off at my hotel, I began to explore the city. First stop? The City Hall where the Nobel Prizes are awarded.

City Hall
I didn't get a chance to go inside, but I checked out the menu for the restaurant located at City Hall. You can order the food item that any Nobel Prize winner has had.

From there, I hopped aboard a ferry down to Drottingholm Palace. The cruise to the Palace took about an hour and got to see more of the outlying areas of Stockholm.

Drottingholm Palace
Drottingholm Palace is the current residence of the Royal Family of Sweden. It's also on UNESCO's World Heritage List. I toured the inside before heading outside to the gardens. The Chinese Pavilion, on site, is also on the World Heritage List.

Chinese Pavilion 
Enjoying my cruise back into Stockholm, I wandered around the city especially Old Town before heading to my hotel.

I luckily got upgraded at the hotel with a balcony overlooking the city! Talk about a view!

Old Town at Night

View from Hotel Balcony

I'll post the second part tomorrow! 

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