Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Lake District Day Trip

On Saturday, I finally got to the Lake District in England. It's been on my 101 in 1001 list as well as my bucket list for as long as I can remember. 

So, I finally bit the bullet and bought a day trip. I went with the day trip as I truthfully had no time to plan a trip as well as figure out transportation. Because we all need to be honest...me driving on the other side of the road sounds like a disaster in the making. 

My day started off bright and early at Euston Station. My tour group caught a train to Oxenholme Station. Thankfully, I slept on the train to make up for those few hours I missed. 

On our arrival, our guide shuttled us to Lake Windemere.

We also got to see Wray Castle. Unfortunately, as I soon learned... it's not actually a castle. It was just called that based off a man building it for his wife. I didn't get a chance to go inside, but it still took on the Medieval appearance from the outside. 

Nearby, there was also the memorial that Beatrice Potter built for Norman Warne following his death.

From there, the tour group headed to Hill Top. Hill Top was the home of Beatrix Potter, and the area was a source of inspiration for her stories. 

Gardens of Hill Top

Hill Top
The house was preserved and had numerous exhibits of her drawings and writings. 

I also checked out the backyard and houses down the street to find a few treasures. And, I did manage to see one bunny rabbit, so maybe it was Peter?

Post Office Box from Peter Rabbit's Almanac 

Anvil Cottage from the Tale of Samuel Whiskers 
Tom Kitten's Gate

For lunch, we visited Hawkshead. William Wandsworth spent a period of his life in the town. 

Post lunch, the group was ushered off to Lake Coniston for a cruise. This area truly reminded me of the Finger Lakes in Central New York.

Lake Coniston

Lake Coniston
And, finally, we ended the last bit of our touring at the famous Tarn Hows. It was an amazing overlook spot for the Lake District. Next time, I would love to wander around the trails.

It was a very long day of touring, but it was well worth it. I know I only saw a bit of the splendor of the Lake District, but I know I'll be back. If you're in London and haven't been, I completely support your decision for taking the same tour that I did!

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