I discovered Coursera in my last few months at Syracuse. The idea of massive open online courses or MOOCs as they have started to be referred to is a trend that has really taken off. The number of courses that are now available from leading institutions such as Stanford or University of Pennsylvania on the website is insane. The other day I was browsing courses, and within a week, there were new ones posted.
So, being the person that I am, this summer I decided to take a few of the courses. The courses are free as they are MOOCs, and if you do well enough, you receive a certificate of accomplishment.
Yes, the underlying theme of this post is that I am in fact a huge nerd.
My friend, Brett, and I are taking Maps and the Geospatial Revolution together. It's only been a week into the course, but it actually overlaps with some of the interests I have in the world of social media. It has given me a few laughs, and reminds me of the West Wing episode dealing with maps.
As for the other courses that I am considering taking this summer?
I'm sure I will dabble into a few other courses and check them out as well.
Have you ever taken a MOOC? How was your experience?
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